In CRM 2011 its not required to deploy it in ISV. We need to create a new web site. Firstly publish the solution to “/InetPub/wwwroot/<PublishFolderName>” or publish and copy the published files to the same path. Follow the below steps:
1. Goto IIS. Create a new website. Need not change the ApplicationPool. This should create a new ApplicationPool in the same name as the website. Specify a different port number which is not used by either CRM or any other websites. In Physical path give Published foler path in wwwroot(/InetPub/wwwroot/<PublishFolderName>).
2. Goto ApplicationPool and for the new ApplicationPool change the following properties:
- .Net FrameworkVersion – v4.0
- Managed Pipeline Mode – Classic (previously it will be Integrated)
3. Right click the ApplicationPool and Open advanced Settings. Change the Identity property to “Network Service”.Thats it:) done deploying..
You can check it by selecting ur aspx page and select Browse. Make a note of the url from the IE window.