create global option set

// ** create global option set **

// Define the request object and pass to the service.

CreateOptionSetRequest createOptionSetRequest = new CreateOptionSetRequest


    // Create a global option set (OptionSetMetadata).

    OptionSet = new OptionSetMetadata


        Name = "_globalOptionSetName",

        DisplayName = new Label("Example Option Set", 1033),

        IsGlobal = true,

        OptionSetType = OptionSetType.Picklist,

        Options = 


        new OptionMetadata(new Label("Open", 1033), null),

        new OptionMetadata(new Label("Suspended", 1033), null),

        new OptionMetadata(new Label("Cancelled", 1033), null),

        new OptionMetadata(new Label("Closed", 1033), null)





// Execute the request.

CreateOptionSetResponse optionsResp =
