Retrieves a collection of business entity instances of a specified type based on query criteria.
//# The following code examples show how to use the RetrieveMultiple message.
// Set up the CRM service.
CrmAuthenticationToken token = new CrmAuthenticationToken();
// You can use enums.cs from the SDK\Helpers folder to get the enumeration for Active Directory authentication.
token.AuthenticationType = 0;
token.OrganizationName = "AdventureWorksCycle";
CrmService service = new CrmService();
service.Url = "http://: /mscrmservices/2007/crmservice.asmx";
service.CrmAuthenticationTokenValue = token;
service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
// Create the column set that indicates the fields to be retrieved.
ColumnSet cols = new ColumnSet();
// Set the properties of the column set.
cols.Attributes = new string [] {"name", "accountid"};
// Create the ConditionExpression.
ConditionExpression condition = new ConditionExpression();
// Set the condition for the retrieval to be when the city in the account's address is Sammamish.
condition.AttributeName = "address1_city";
condition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Like;
condition.Values = new string [] {"Sammamish"};
// Create the FilterExpression.
FilterExpression filter = new FilterExpression();
// Set the properties of the filter.
filter.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
filter.Conditions = new ConditionExpression[] {condition};
// Create the QueryExpression object.
QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression();
// Set the properties of the QueryExpression object.
query.EntityName = EntityName.account.ToString();
query.ColumnSet = cols;
query.Criteria = filter;
// Create the request object.
RetrieveMultipleRequest retrieve = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();
// Set the properties of the request object.
retrieve.Query = query;
// Execute the request.
RetrieveMultipleResponse retrieved = (RetrieveMultipleResponse)service.Execute(retrieve);