A List of SMTP and IMAP Servers (Mail Server)

Default Ports:

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) Non-Encrypted AUTH 25 (or 587)
  Secure (TLS) StartTLS 587
  Secure (SSL) SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) Non-Encrypted AUTH 143
  Secure (TLS) StartTLS 143
  Secure (SSL) SSL 993


Googlemail - Gmail

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.gmail.com SSL 465
  smtp.gmail.com StartTLS 587
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.gmail.com SSL 993
  Please make sure, that IMAP access is enabled in the account settings.
Login to your account and enable IMAP.



Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp-mail.outlook.com StartTLS 587
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap-mail.outlook.com SSL 993


Yahoo Mail

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.mail.yahoo.com SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.mail.yahoo.com SSL 993


Yahoo Mail Plus

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) plus.imap.mail.yahoo.com SSL 993


Yahoo Mail UK

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.mail.yahoo.co.uk SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.mail.yahoo.co.uk SSL 993


Yahoo Mail Deutschland

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.mail.yahoo.com SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.mail.yahoo.com SSL 993


Yahoo Mail AU/NZ

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.mail.yahoo.au SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.mail.yahoo.au SSL 993



Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.att.yahoo.com SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.att.yahoo.com SSL 993


NTL @ntlworld.com

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.ntlworld.com SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.ntlworld.com SSL 993


BT Connect

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.btconnect.com   25
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap4.btconnect.com   143


O2 Deutschland

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) mail.o2online.de   25
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.o2online.de   143


T-Online Deutschland

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) securesmtp.t-online.de StartTLS 587
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) secureimap.t-online.de SSL 993


1&1 (1and1)

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.1and1.com StartTLS 587
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.1and1.com SSL 993


1&1 Deutschland

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.1und1.de StartTLS 587
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.1und1.de SSL 993



Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) outgoing.verizon.net   587
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) incoming.verizon.net   143


zoho Mail

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.zoho.com SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.zoho.com SSL 993



Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) smtp.mail.com SSL 465
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages) imap.mail.com SSL 993



+ Add Provider

Server: Authentication: Port:
SMTP Server (Outgoing Messages) Contact us to add your provider    
IMAP Server (Incoming Messages)