# Relocates bytes of an API and creates a jump from those bytes to the original API affectively negating a hook.
# TODO !Recalculate Relocated Relative jmp and call addresses. 
# public domain code.

from ctypes import *
from win32api import *
from pytcc import pytcc
from struct import pack, unpack
from win32gui import PyGetString, PySetMemory, PySetString

from distorm import Decode
from patcher import OpenProcess, readMemory, writeMemory, allocate, transport

DEBUG  = True
def DB (msg):
    global DEBUG
    if DEBUG: print (msg)

def tramper (apiaddress, hook_size, apiname=None, dllname="kernel32"):
    """tramper (apiaddress, hook_size, apiname=None, dllname="kernel32"):
Creates a duplicate API using the trampoline method and returns its address.
    if DEBUG: global hprocess, landing_offset, instructions, landing_address, tramp_memory, tramp_code, original_bytes

    if not apiaddress:
        dll = LoadLibrary (dllname)
        apiaddress = GetProcAddress (dll, apiname)
    landing_offset = 0 
    hprocess = OpenProcess ()
    original_bytes = PyGetString (apiaddress, 300)

    tramp_memory = allocate (len (original_bytes) + 50, hprocess)
    print "Tramp memory: %s    %s." % (tramp_memory, hex (tramp_memory))

    instructions = Decode (apiaddress, original_bytes)
    sizes = iter ([X[1] for X in instructions])

    while landing_offset < hook_size:

        landing_offset += ()

    landing_address = apiaddress + landing_offset
    DB ("Landing offset : %s    %s" % (landing_offset, hex (landing_offset)))
    DB ("Landing address: %s    %s"  % (landing_address, hex (landing_address)))

    distance = landing_address - (tramp_memory +landing_offset)
    DB ("Distance: %s    %s." % (distance, hex (distance)))
    tramp_code = original_bytes [:landing_offset] # api start - past hook - to start of instruction
    instructions = Decode (apiaddress, tramp_code)

    boffset = 0
    for offset, size, instruction, hexstr in instructions:
        if filter (lambda x:x.lower() in instruction.lower(), ["call", "jmp"]):
            raise "[not supported yet] Cannot relocate CALL/JMP Instructions. Address: %s"% (apiaddress + boffset)

        boffset += size

    # TODO !Recalculate Relocated Relative jmp and call addresses. 

    jump_code = '\xe9' + pack ("i", distance - 5)   # bytes = jmp (distance - size of jump)   
    tramp_code += jump_code

    # DEBUG
    DB ("Tramp [size]: %s [bytes]; %s" % (len(tramp_code), (repr(tramp_code))))
    DB ("Tramper api decode.")
    if DEBUG:    dprint (apiaddress, tramp_code)
    # # # #

    writeMemory (hprocess, tramp_memory, tramp_code)
    CloseHandle (hprocess)

    return tramp_memory

def dprint (a, c):
    """ pretty print disassembled bytes. dprint (offset, bytes)."""

    x = Decode (a, c)
    print "[deci addr  :  hexi addr] [size]       instruction\n" 

    for offset, size, instruction, hexstr in x:

        print "[%s : %s]  [%s]        %s" % (a,hex (a), size, instruction)
        a += size

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Test.

    lib = LoadLibrary ("kernel32")
    OpenProcessAddr = GetProcAddress (lib, "OpenProcess")
    FreeLibrary (lib)

    trampAddr = tramper (\

        apiaddress=OpenProcessAddr,  # (optional if apiname is defined) API address to duplicate.
        hook_size=10, # size of our API jmp code. (minimum size of relocated API bytes)
        apiname=None, # (optional)
        dllname="kernel32") # (optional / defaults to kernel32)

    # Prototype the OpenProcess trampoline.
    duplicate_OpenProcess = WINFUNCTYPE (c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int) (trampAddr)

    pid = GetCurrentProcessId ()

    print "Calling duplicate OpenProcess with pid: %s" % pid
    phandle = duplicate_OpenProcess (0x1f0fff, 0, pid)
    print "Return value: %s." %phandle

    if phandle: CloseHandle (phandle)

