Send SMS 2 users (description)

# this script lets you send an sms to 2 users at the same time.   # import the messaging module import appuifw import messaging  # create text input field data = appuifw.query(u"Type your name:", "text")  # define the mobile numbers here nbr1 = "123456"  nbr2 = "234567"  # define the text that the sms shall contain txt = u"Greetings from:" +data  # create a query with type: "query" -> appuifw.query(label, type) # by using an if statement one can check whether the user has pressed "ok" -> True or "cancel" -> False if appuifw.query(u"Send message to your 2 friends","query") == True:     # send out the sms; include the mobile number and the text to be sent     messaging.sms_send(nbr1, txt)     messaging.sms_send(nbr2, txt)          # confirm with a pop-up note that the sms has been sent out     appuifw.note(u"Messages sent", "info") else:     # in case the user had pressed "cancel", send a pop-up note that the messages have not been sent out     appuifw.note(u"Well, your Messages are not sent then", "info")